Nominations for the Board of Directors will take
place Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at the Basque Cultural Center ( 7:30 p.m.) Anyone
interested in running for the board should be present at the meeting. Please
direct any questions regarding elections to President Isabelle Bushman
(650/357-8211). Meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month, and are
open to all members. Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate.
< Group Practices
Those interested in Klika should contact Aitor
Berrueta at (650 / 3447434). The Choir Elgarrekin holds practices on
Tuesday evenings. The group Zazpiak Bat has practice on Monday evenings. The San
Francisco Gazteak Dancers will be starting practice in January. Gure Xitoak, the
activities group for young children will restart in October. For information on
dancing or Gure Yitoak, please contact Valerie Arrechea at (415/ 564-0900).
< 2003 NABO Calendars
2003 NABO Calendars have arrived. Those interested in
purchasing one should contact Mary Curutchet 650-588-2249.
< N.A.B.O.
The N.A.B.O. Convention will take place in South San
Francisco August 23, 24, 25. The
Friday night Opening Ceremony will take place at the So. San Francisco
Convention Center, and will feature performers from both Euskadi and the United
States. Saturday and Sunday’s
events will take place at Orange Park, near the Basque Cultural Center.
There will be a dance with music by Ketxo
Saturday night at the BCC, and Basque Mass with the Bishop of Bayonne on Sunday
in Orange Park. For up to the
minute information, please see the website
< Ikasi 2002
NABO is sponsoring a new program – Ikasi.
It is a 3-day workshop for adults interested in learning more about
Basque Culture.
Participants will look at topics including language,
prehistory and mythology, music and instruments, films, modern Bilbao, tracing
genealogy, Basque contributions to world history, and bertolaris.
They will also learn how to cook and play mus.
It will finish by a performance by Udaleku alumni.
This year’s program will take place June 26th
– 28th in Reno NV, and is being hosted by the Center for Basque
Studies at UNR. The program is free
for participants this year, but is limited to 40 people. Applications can be found on the NABO website
The deadline
is June 1st.
< Upcoming Events
Euskal Etaea Jaialdia Sept 15, 16
BCC Xmas celebration Dec. 23rd Odolki Jatea / Mus Tournament
Feb. 3 42°° Annual Basque Picnic June 2 N.A.B.O. Convention 2002
San Francisco, Aug. 23,24,25.
N.A.B.O. Udaleku 2002 Reno, NV
Aug 23-25 NABO Convention (SF)